Saturday, 25 August 2012

Railroads - Shares

You can manage your empire successfully, if you pay a little attention to the shares.
Initially, depending on the difficulty, you will have few shares for example 4/10, which means that you have 4 out of 10 shares of your company.

Each share will be worth some money.
If you sell your share, its price would decrease; & if you buy your share, its price would increase.

It is better to sell some or even all shares initially, it will give you quite a bit of cash!!
Your share price would decrease though, so remember to buy some of them later on in the game.

Now start building a profitable railroad empire. Once you have enough money; first start buying your shares. When you have a good amount, start buying other players' shares as well. You can buy out a player if you have bought all of his shares. Then build, and don't stop.

That's a lot of info that you need which can help you play the game properly.

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